Seminars schedule AY 2023-2024

19/04/2023 Riccardo Bianchini Resource-aware Featherweight Java
03/05/2023 Andrea Fasciglione Dictionary Learning for Activity Recognition Using Wearable Data
10/05/2023 Elena Vincenzi Functional analysis in urographic MR made automatic and simple
17/05/2023 Daniele Traversaro Live music coding with Sonic Pi to explore students' misconceptions about concurrency
07/06/2023 Eros Viola Virtual Reality: The Future of Human
14/06/2023 Federico Figari Tomenotti Actions Anticipation
21/06/2023 Marco Mochi XAI: Explainable Artificial Intelligence in ASP
28/06/2023 Larbi Touijer Automatic Classification of AutoImmune Bullous Skin Diseases
05/07/2023 Francesco Montagna Scalable and flexible algorithms for causal discovery
12/07/2023 Muhammad Mohsin Virtual Mines: A sustainable solution for electronic industry
27/09/2023 Nicola Corbellini Few Labels are Enough! Semi-supervised Graph Learning for Social Interaction
04/10/2023 Silvia Ferrando A somaesthetics based approach to the design of multisensory interactive systems
11/10/2023 Ziad Janpih Non-discrimination aware data transformation by constrained optimization
18/10/2023 Federico Sichetti How to (not) break FEM: the importance of robust mesh generation
25/10/2023 Marianna Pizzo Therapy or Play-apy? The gamification revolution
08/11/2023 Marco Rando An Optimal Structured Zeroth-order Algorithm for Non-smooth Optimization
15/11/2023 Khan Dadan Synthetic Data for Surveillance
29/11/2023 Arnaud Mavakala Watusadisi Efficient Learning under Covariate Shift using Random Projection
04/12/2023 Jacopo Dapueto Disentangled Representations via Variational Autoencoder Models
06/12/2023 Pawar Manasa Mohan Enhancing Weather Prediction: analysing the potential of AI in Numerical Weather Forecasting
13/12/2023 Stefano Avola Permissioned Blockchains and Confidential Computing for the logistics domain